The Center for Psychotherapy Research conducts surveys related to psychotherapy. Below you can find a list of ongoing or completed surveys.
Deciding to enter psychotherapy (2018)
Deciding whether to enter psychotherapy is a complex process in which a number of different factors play a role. To better understand this process, we ran a survey mapping some of the barriers people perceive during this decision-making process. A group of people who had considered entering individual therapy within the last five years filled in a short questionnaire.
Čevelíček, M., Tarinová, A., & Řiháček, T. (2021). Vnímané překážky vstupu do psychoterapie. Československá psychologie, 65(1), 1-13.
Psychotherapeutic methods in practice (2016)
Although psychotherapy has a long tradition in our country and psychotherapeutic methods are applied in a number of different contexts and settings, there has been a lack of effort to map this field. Our survey was a first attempt to fill this gap. In March 2016, we launched an online questionnaire that mapped selected aspects of psychotherapy practice, education and the use of specific elements of different psychotherapeutic approaches. In the context of this survey, we understood psychotherapy as a specific activity or set of methods (not necessarily a professional identity). We sought to identify how psychotherapeutic methods were used in the practice of psychotherapists, counsellors, and other professionals, across different settings and contexts.
Řiháček, T., Čevelíček, M., & Roubal, J. (2021). Psychoterapeutické metody v praxi: Průzkum rozdílů mezi resorty. Psychoterapie, 15(2), 177-194. [full text]
Řiháček, T., Roubal, J., & Motalová, K. (2020). Facets of the psychotherapy relationship: A metaphorical approach. Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome, 23(3), 311-319.
Řiháček, T., & Roubal, J. (2020). Common principles of psychotherapeutic change: Patterns of use. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 48(4), 489-499.
Řiháček, T., & Roubal, J. (2019). Využívání psychoterapeutických technik v praxi. E-psychologie, 13(1), 1-17.
Řiháček, T., & Roubal, J. (2017). The proportion of integrationists among Czech psychotherapists and counselors: A comparison of multiple criteria. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 27(1), 13-22.