The DeePsy application
DeePsy is a web-based application that allows psychotherapists to routinely monitor the process and outcomes of psychotherapy. The application is being developed in collaboration with the Speech Data Mining Research Group at the Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology, and is supported by research grants (CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004583, TL03000049). At the moment, DeePsy is only available in Czech.
DeePsy pursues two interrelated goals. The first is to provide psychotherapists with a tool for systematic feedback and professional development. The lack of immediate feedback is one of the reasons why developing expertise in psychotherapy and counselling is so challenging. The second goal is to collect data on psychotherapy and counselling for research purposes. By accumulating data from many therapists, across a range of settings and contexts, we can gain a broad evidence for when, for whom, and under what conditions psychotherapy is effective, and what processes actually make it work.