Significant moments in psychotherapy
The significant moments (or events) paradigm is based on the assumption that there are moments in the process of psychotherapy that are more significant than others - both in a positive and negative sense. An example of a significant moment might be a moment of insight or an experience of being accepted and understood. Conversely, an example of a hindering moment might be a feeling of disconnection from the therapist or an experience of pressure from the therapist. In our studies, significant moments are primarily addressed from the clients' .
Ladmanová, M., Řiháček, T., & Roubal, J. (2020). Helpful and hindering events in an integrative psychotherapy training. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration. Advance online publication.
Ladmanová, M., Řiháček, T., & Timulak, L. (2022). Client-identified impacts of helpful and hindering events in psychotherapy: A qualitative meta-analysis. Psychotherapy Research, 32(6), 723-735.
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