Feedback and deliberate practice
Psychotherapy is an expert activity that requires psychotherapists to continuously make decisions and constantly evaluate the psychotherapeutic process. In practice, however, psychotherapists suffer from a lack of immediate feedback to support this decision-making. Therefore, we are developing a tool that will enable automated analysis of audio recordings of psychotherapy sessions in order to provide psychotherapists with feedback on the progress of these sessions in a short period of time. The project entitled Deep learning in psychotherapy project: Machine Analysis of Psychotherapy Sessions Recordings (DeePsy) has been conducted in cooperation with Brno University of Technology, Psychosomatic Clinic, Ltd., and Therapeutic Harbour. It is based on technologies of automatic speech recognition, natural language processing, machine learning, expert coding of the psychotherapeutic process, and self-assessment questionnaire methods. The DeePsy app is designed to provide psychotherapists with user-friendly and practically beneficial feedback with the potential to improve the quality of psychotherapeutic care. To learn more about the project, click here.
Jonášová, K., Čevelíček, M., Doležal, P., & Řiháček, T. (2024). Psychotherapists’ experience with in-session use of routine outcome monitoring: A qualitative meta-analysis. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research.
Řiháček, T., Čevelíček, M., Doležal, P., & Nehyba, J. (2024). Efektivita psychoterapeutické péče v rámci preventivních programů zdravotních pojišťoven. Československá psychologie, 68(3), 308-330.
Řiháček, T., & Juhová, D. (2016). Monitorování účinnosti v psychoterapii a poradenství. Testforum, 7, 1-13.
Řiháček, T., & Matějka, P. (2021). Deep learning v psychoterapii: Strojová analýza nahrávek terapeutických sezení. E-psychologie, 15(3), 35-37.
Řiháček, T., Nehyba, J., Čevelíček, M., Polok, A., Matějka, P., & Doležal, P. (2023). DeePsy: Představení online nástroje pro zpětnou vazbu v psychoterapii. Psychoterapie, 17(1), N1.